To Know Better, but Not Do Better
Title: Woman Evolve: Break Up with Your Fears and Revolutionize Your Life
Author: Sarah Jakes Roberts
Genre: nonfiction religion

Summary: Woman Evolve by Sarah Jakes Roberts, puts a different lens on the way we see Eve, the first woman, and her mistakes. Through this book, one will be challenged to look at themselves through this lens, deal with their mistakes and use them as a catalyst to evolve into the person they are meant to be.
Thoughts before reading the book: Sarah Jakes Roberts is an awesome storyteller and I love listening to her sermons. She has a talent for making stories from the Bible so relatable and has a way of preaching with you, not at you. After listening to her sermons I always leave feeling determined and encouraged to grow spiritually and become the best version of myself. I was hoping to get the same type of uplifting vibe from this book and I did!
First thoughts after reading the book: There are so many noteworthy moments in Woman Evolve, but my biggest takeaway is that we all know what it’s like to “know better and not do better!”
Eve, from the Bible, has such a bad rep. She is the one who disobeyed God’s command to not eat from the forbidden fruit, and then talked her husband, Adam, into taking a bite. The result from this sin has inflicted ongoing hardship for generations to come. As much as we don’t want to admit it, we all “know what it’s like to know better but not do better”.
Sarah does a great job walking us through the fact that yes, Eve knew better, but didn’t do better by eating from the forbidden fruit, but her mistake didn’t stop her from evolving and fulfilling God's plan for her which was to manifest her seed. Seed, from a biblical standpoint, could be the destiny, purpose, and promise that God puts on your life. Eve’s seed was to reproduce, which she did and became the mother of all people, despite her past. If Eve can manifest her seed with her past, then so can we!
After reading this book, I question what my destiny, purpose, and promise is that God would like for me to manifest? Can I be like Eve, have tunnel vision on my purpose without the deterrent of my past and my negative thoughts?
This book was an awesome reminder that there will be times that we will make bad choices, but these mistakes will only “reroute” us on our journey. As long as we keep moving forward and working towards manifesting our seed, we are going the right way!
- Maya & The Spine Down
